5 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly On The Water

Date: 11th March


General News

Here at Integrel Solutions, we are passionate about protecting the seas we love by finding more environmentally friendly alternatives in our day-to-day lives. As a marine business based in Cornwall and surrounded by water, we are constantly reminded of both the importance of the sea, as well as possible threats that may damage it.

Whether you’re a small, recreational boat or a larger vessel, we believe we all have a part to play in helping to protect our marine environment. We’ve pulled together some of our ideas for how you can be more eco-friendly on the water:

5 Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly On The Water

Using eco-friendly products at sea
By using products such as cleaning liquids and sprays that are environmentally friendly, you can help reduce the impact on our environment. As we are all aware, the water waste that we generate at sea has to go somewhere. By ensuring we avoid harsh chemicals, we can help limit their presence in our ocean and reduce the damage to our seas.

Reusable items at sea

You only have to spend a few minutes on the internet or watching tv to realise the threat of plastic in the ocean is devastating. Where possible, opt for reusable items for your time at sea. For example, rather than buying single-use plastic water bottles, take reusable bottles such as metal thermos with you. You could also take items that have been made from recycled waste, such as recycled cups and containers.

Mind your rubbish
An easy way to reduce your impact on the environment is to be careful with your rubbish. Plastics and other non-biodegradable items that are left or make their way into the ocean have an enormous impact on wildlife as well as the environment as a whole. Even the smallest piece of plastic can find its way into the belly of a bird or sea creature. Make sure you have containers, bags or boxes on board that you can store the rubbish that you produce throughout your trip, and safely dispose of it when you return. Remember to also make sure your recyclables are taken to a recycling centre.

Reduce fuel and oil spills
This can also be a very simple and easily preventable issue when out on the water. When filling your tank, for example, be careful not to fill it too full. When the engine has been running and the tank gets hot, the fuel can expand and spill out into the water. If you do have an oil or fuel spill, there are steps you can take to remove it from the ocean to prevent it from damaging the wildlife.

Get an Integrel System!
Our very top tip for being more eco friendly on the water? Switch to our advanced generator replacement technology, Integrel. It completely eliminates the need for a separate generator, allowing your energy generation to come from the engine as well as propulsion – you are effectively enabling your engine to do two jobs for less fuel. It can reduce your fuel consumption by up to 25%. Integrel also generates electrical energy to be used even when you are moored up or at anchor. And better yet, that electricity can power all your home comforts on board silently, from just a short charge time.

Got a question? Check out our FAQs to find out more about Integrel.

Ready to switch? Get in touch today and our friendly, experienced team will help you start living a more environmentally friendly life out on the water.

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